WorkSpace Overview Video
How to Create a New App?
Go to the My Apps tab on the Workspace.
Locate and click the “+” icon next to My Apps to start creating a new app.
In the pop-up window, type a name for your new app.
Click Create App to finalize, or click Cancel to exit
without saving.
Your new app will appear on the dashboard as a tile.
How to Work with Your Apps?
1. Edit Your App:
Hover over the app tile and click Edit to open the app in Edit Mode.
2. Launch Your App:
- Click Launch on the app tile to preview and test your app in real-time.
3. Manage App Settings:
Click the Gear Icon on the app tile to:
- Rename: Change the app's name.
- Edit Icon: Update the app’s icon.
- Clone: Create a duplicate of the app.
- Delete: Permanently remove the app from your Workspace.
How to Access your Profile Settings?
1. Locate the Menu Icon: In the top-left corner of the Workspace, click the three-line menu icon.
2. View the Profile Menu:
- A dropdown panel will appear, displaying the following:
- Balance, Cash, and Bonus: Displays your current financial overview.
- Billing: Manage your billing details and transactions.
- Subscriptions: View and manage your active subscriptions.
- My Profile: Access and edit your personal details.
- Log Out: Exit your account securely.
2. Manage your Profile Settings:
Click My Profile to access your profile settings. The screen is divided into two sections:
- Profile: Update your avatar by uploading a picture or change your name.
- Change Password: Enter your current password, set anew password, and
confirm it to update.